Judy Baca Arts Academy LAUSD Proposal

Judy Baca Arts Academy LAUSD Proposal Explained



  • SPARC proposes a 1 to 3 year initiative to create a unique arts environment for children in the Watts community.
  • Transformation of the Judy Baca Arts Academy to a school filled with murals
  • Integration of historical content in the fine art murals of Judy Baca into the everyday curriculum of Judy Baca Arts Academy educators
  • Production of new children artworks on the campus
  • Maximize our mentoring outreach to all Judy Baca Arts Academy graduating students
  • The creation of a template for replication in other LAUSD schools as interdisciplinary innovative arts curriculum


 Transformation of the Judy Baca Arts Academy to a school filled with murals

Year I will include the transformation of the campus environment by the installation of high resolution Digital replicas of original murals by Judy Baca.  SPARC will develop arts curriculum based on the historically rich content depicted in each of Judy Baca’s artworks and Baca’s pedagogy developed with “at risk” youth for identity and self esteem building. Baca’s murals use an interdisciplinary methodology of historical research and archival image gathering, primary sources such as historical documents and interviews of scholars and community members to develop the artistic content. These resources have been archived and organized at the UCLA and SPARC Digital/Mural Lab. The development of curriculum that takes advantage of this wealth of historical knowledge will provide youth with an enriched understanding of history that is  often overlooked by major textbooks. SPARC educators will tailor the arts curriculum to meet LAUSD common core standards with focus on teaching compassion, civic engagement, community pride, elevating self-esteem and supporting identity formation.





Installation of artwork and Integration of arts curriculum into the general classroom pedagogy

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Emancipation Mural Project 

Year 1 will integrate our pilot project called the “Emancipation Mural Project” over the course of one academic year for sixth grade youth. SPARC educators will work with Judith F. Baca arts Academy 6th grade teachers and provide assistance in providing an additional 1 hour of in-class instruction per week on exploring identity formation through the arts and their individual identity development.

The Emancipation Project’s in-class instruction will culminate in the development of identity portraits and 6-week long mentor ships with university students

Dance and Performance Workshop


JB Arts Academy Computer Lab Workshop
Art Composition with Digital Media and Photoshop



Painting  Workshop


Students Portraits:



Students and Teacher Testimonies:



Chalk Wall

SPARC has also identified additional enhancements for youth along the exterior playground wall. SPARC artists will install a durable outdoor-rated CHALK WALL so that youth can draw and explore scale, color and composition.


Emancipation Project 2015 Book