Great Wall Institute
1976 – Ongoing
The Great Wall of Los Angeles Monument is recognized as one of the country’s largest monuments to interracial harmony. The Great Wall was designed by muralist and SPARC Co-Founder Judy Baca and painted by artists, community members, and over 400 youth between 1976 and 1983. The current extension of the mural continues the historical narrative to include the 1960s-2020.
World Wall
1990 – Ongoing
The World Wall: A Vision of the Future Without Fear is a traveling installation mural, conceived during the heightened arms race of the late eighties and early nineties. Because of its scale, international participation, and traveling exhibition nature, it is still a work in progress.
Mural Rescue Program
2013 – Ongoing
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT and EDUCATION are key components of SPARC’s Mural Rescue Program. Our program rededicates and re-educates by including the original artists and local community members in the restoration process. Our mural sites offer opportunities for community artists and provides training to new generation of mural painters.
Neighborhood Pride
1988 – 2002
Begun in 1988, the program has since produced 105 murals in almost every ethnic community of Los Angeles, employed over 95 different established and emerging muralists from Los Angeles and around the country, trained hundreds of youth apprentices, collaborated with countless community based organizations.