Mexican Panel


“Tlazolteotl: Fuerza Creadora de lo No Tejido”
“Tlazolteotl: Creative Force of the Un-Woven”

by Martha Ramirez & Patricia Quijano
10 X 30 feet, Acrylic on Canvas

Artist’s Statement:

The day we finished, we were so inspired that we decided to write something very spontaneous about what we had done. The method was to state any image we could remember of the mural, then write immediately a first reaction, the first phrase that came to mind, without reading each other’s impressions until the end. It was beautiful to see how the words blended perfectly, synthesizing the concepts. And when we re-read it looking at the mural, it was wonderful to see that the images could fit several phrases and vice-versa. Then I worked the translation, trying not to lose the main spirit of the first version in Spanish. Hope you can taste the flavor of our heart’s effort.



[accordiongroup][accordion title=”Spanish Poem: Tlazolteotl: Fuerza Creadora de lo No Tejido”]
Tlazolteotl: Fuerza Creadora de lo No Tejido

Esperanza en un futuro regenerado, gestandose esta la que llevamos dentro….
Red que nos conecta en talentos unificados, con la fuerza creadora
de lo no tejido…
Fuerza de voluntad de corazones hoy, como el colibri que vieron nuestros
Recuperando caminos olvidados, en origen comun.

Destruiremos los surcos formados de muerte, como ofrenda a nuestros padres.
Mi dualidad actual, Madre omnipresente de ayer a mañana.
La risa que cura y enfrenta, nunca mas la aceptacion por decreto.
Compartiendo su gozoso ejemplo, la abuelita nos enseña a tejer.

Igualdad que nos fue negada,
Mandamiento! Consigna de desgracia.

Esperanza en un futuro regenerado, gestandose esta la que llevamos dentro.
Ideales que seguiran guiando nuestra resistencia.
Nace la conciencia en mi.

Union de ambos lados del corazon.
Con nuestras manos tejidas sostendremos al Universo.

Luz protectora de las campesinas.
Nuestra Madre no tiene un solo nombre.

Cocina donde despierta la escencia del maiz,
con el fuego del amor calentaremos al mundo.

Dolor de Madre, Tierra, Patria ,
Nunca mas tu llanto en soledad!

Rebelion que conmueve al mundo entero.
Hasta con las armas defenderemos lo que amamos.

Destino Impuesto! Tropezar, huir, ser estigmatizadas.
Examen Profesional: Virgen o desdechada,
Sonrien nuevas generaciones de niñas, con alimentos ancestrales como guia.

Enfrentaste en su terreno a corruptos y bandidos.
No olvidamos a las que abrieron brecha!

Sentidos bloqueados y atrofiados… no ver, oir, callar.
Y tu sobre nosotras!

Movimiento que nos une en espacio y tiempo,
sendas de esperanza y dolor encontradas.

Agazapadas, sigilosas de noche,
nuestra fuerza atrapa en confrontacion indirecta.

Violencia de las fronteras, Porque encadenar a un aguila?

Separacion dolorosa de familias,
con tus puas mutilas nuestra tierra.

Luna, tejedora de vida y estrellas, Diosa querida!
Recicla tanta podredumbre.

Red que nos conecta en talentos unificados, con la fuerza creadora de lo no

Objetivo de nuestra lucha renovadora: Lograr un parto sin limites.

Con nuestros muertos como bandera, pasado. presente y futuro cargamos en cajas.

El hoy debajo y encima de la mujer,
contra la espiral de dureza que aprisiona.

Detengamos la acida lluvia permanente de la Guerra!
Contaminacion que asfixia.

Cosmos que nos inspira con los sutiles matices del firmamento.

Ritual que convoque a transformar la intolerancia en union,
el caos en equilibrio.

Curandera del maiz, nutrenos con tu sagrado alimento,

Que tus bordados coloridos cobren vida en armonioso canto.

Fuerza de voluntad de corazones hoy.
como el colibri que vieron nuestros ancestros.[/accordion][accordion title=”Tlazolteotl: The Creative Force Of The Un-Woven (English Translation)”]
Tlazolteotl: The Creative Force Of The Un-Woven (Liberal English Translation)

Gestating within us, the promise of a future reborn
Captured in the net of our intertwined arts,
Captured in the net, the creative force of the un- woven.

Our heart has a will of its own,
The same hummingbird empowering our ancestors’ vision.

We rebuild the forgotten roads and find a common origin.
We destroy the fields of death
in a ceremonial offering to our mothers and fathers.

My true duality, the First Mother, forever present
In the laughter that cures and tests us–
We swear that we shall never again be subjected by the decrees of the heartless!

Sharing our grandmother’s example of joy, we learn to weave–
But stripped of our equality by injustice,
we find only commandments of disgrace!

Gestating within us, the promise of a future reborn
Captured in the ideals guiding our resistance,
Captured in the knowledge I am giving birth.

Both sides of the heart unite
In weaving our hands
So that we might weave the universe.

Light that protects the women of the fields:
Our Mother does not have but a single name!

Hearth that awakens the essence of the corn:
Our Fire of Love gives warmth to a single world!

Oh, Pain of Mother, of Earth, of Nation:
Never again will you cry in solitude!

Rebellion that moves the single world:
Even with their own weapons shall we defend our hearth!

Imposed Destiny! We try to escape only to be sentenced.
Professional Exam: Virgen or Rejection.

New generations of little girls laugh, each guided by the ancient corn.
Past generations of women struggle, each paving the way to justice.

Our senses were blocked and damaged,
we could not see, nor hear, nor speak.
Yet, always, you are over us.

The movement that unites us in time and place
leads us along roads of hope and pain.

Cautiously, night prepares its attack,
teaching us the art of indirect confrontation.

Why must there be violence at the borders?
Why must the eagle be enchained?
Why must families suffer the pain of separation?
Why must our land be mutiliated with barbedwire?

Moonweaver of life and stars!
Loving Goddess!
Never cease turning poison into medicine!

Gestating within us, the promise of a future reborn
Captured in our our childbirth of infinite potential,
Captured in the net of not yet woven creation:

Our dead are our banner to carry
In the same coffins of the past, the present and the future.

Why must today’s woman be imprisoned in concrete?
Why must the acid rain of war contaminate us with its drunkeness?

Oh, subtle shades of the universe,
Inspire us with your cosmos!
Oh, ancient ritual of transformation,
Turn intolerance to union,
Turn chaos to balance!

Oh, Healer made of corn,
Grant us your sacred sustenance!

Oh, weaver of the not yet woven,
May your colorful embroidery sing harmony to life!

Our heart has a will of its own,
the same hummingbird empowering our ancestors’ vision.