Judy Baca News The Argonaut: Venice Muralist Judy Baca Honored by Liberty Hill Group Byadmin July 12, 2001June 18, 2013
Judy Baca News LA Times: Taggers Caltrans Take a Toll on Freeway Murals Byadmin May 3, 2001June 18, 2013
Judy Baca News Westside Weekly: Muralist Raise Hue and Cry Over Graffiti Byadmin April 29, 2001June 18, 2013
Judy Baca News Borderland Times: Exhibit Flaunts Artistry Heritage Byadmin September 17, 2000June 20, 2013
Judy Baca News London Guardian: Los Angeles Muralists Look Beyond the Wall Brick Byadmin February 14, 2000June 18, 2013