Loss, Memory, and Recovery Dwora Fried and Linda Vallejo

“Loss, Memory and Recovery”

Opening Reception: Saturday March 1st 2014 5-9pm
On Display through April 11, 2014
685 Venice Bvd. Venice, CA 90291
310-822-9560 x15

Dwora Fried’s mixed media boxes capture people, places and emotions under glass–literally. Composed in identical wooden boxes with glass fronts, the peaces ask unsettling questions about identity, beliefs and memory. They recreate imaginary scenes of displacement, isolation and entrapment.

Linda Vallejo’s new work carries a strong electric charge–to some they are hyperpolitical, for others they are emotional portals to a past remembered and sometimes forgotten, and to others they are just down right hilarious.


“It is the most autobiographical work I have done so far, containing snippets of my life as a Jewish/Austrian/Lesbian child of a holocaust survivor.” -Dwora Fried

“Like many Americans, I’ve become a person of the world, with a wide cultural perspective. At a moment of introspection, however, I decided to focus on popular cultural images and objects once beloved of white, middle-class America in the mid-20th century, and re-vision and transform them through my personal Mexican-American, Chicano lens.” -Linda Vallejo

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