The Venice Boardwalk (2002)
In 2001 the city of Los Angeles commissioned SPARC to create 15 mural memorials made of porcelain on metal to be inset on podiums alongside the newly renovated Venice boardwalk. SPARC used the project as an opportunity to memorialize historic murals of the Venice beach area, many of which had been disappeared or lost to real estate developments or neglect. The historic mural images were researched in SPARC’s extensive archive, the Mural Resource and Education Center (MREC), where one-of-a-kind slides were scanned and used to digitally reproduce historically important works by Art Mortimer, Rip Cronk, John Wherle, Christian Schlesinger, Emily Winters and others. The miniature murals are currently on display along the Venice Beach boardwalk where they serve as a walking tour highlighting the history of muralism and muralists in Venice.