Judy Baca Print – Absolutely Chicana
This past weekend at Self Help Graphics’ Annual Print Sale “Absolutely Chicana” by SPARC’s Artistic Director and Co-Founder sold out! Remaining part of the Limited Edition is available at SPARC as a fundraiser for SPARC’s SAVE LA MURALS CAMPAIGN.
Absolutely Chicana is a work about identity constructed to face a hostile environment
for women and for Chicana’s in the 1950’s. It is derived from a photograph taken of me
in 1973 by Donna Deitch for what I believe was the first exclusively “Chicana” show in
Los Angeles called Las Venas de la Mujer. Each of the four women created a different
aspect of the roles Chicana’s played in life (Judith Hernandez, Olga Munoz, Isabel Castro,
Josephina Quezada). I took the “Pachuca” as they were so prevalent in my adolescent life
in Pacoima ruling the schoolyard and neighborhood. They were uncompromising, unafraid
and “Absolutely Chicana.” The image is of me as the Pachuca was created as part of
performance in which I transformed myself into the Pachuca via a mirror on the vanity
table. Behind the mirror was the Chicana Triptych called the Tres Marias now a part of the
Smithsonian Latino Treasures Collection. The image seems relevant again in the current
climate of Chicana/o identity ambivalence.
Judy Baca
First 10 prints available at $400
Second 10 prints available at $600
Third 10 prints available at $800
Email absolutelychicana@sparcmurals.org to place an order with your name and phone number.