Vote for the Great Wall of Los Angeles!
The Great Wall of Los Angeles is in the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s “40 Under 40:Places“.
Click here to vote for The Great Wall of Los Angeles
Voting begins on January 7th and ends on January 18, 2019.
“… —40 of the most important, most interesting, and quirkiest American places 40 years old or less, compiled by the staff of Preservation magazine. The by-no-means comprehensive list includes sites both well-known and obscure, high-end and low-budget, and urban and rural. Places typically aren’t considered historic until they’ve been around for at least 50 years, so why highlight younger sites now? Because by looking at them through a preservation lens and identifying places worthy of saving before they become truly historic, we can be proactive about their futures.”
– The National Trust for Historic Preservation